Poll Results and Comments : Climate change and brain probiotics

Anna's Daybreak News

Just facts, you think for yourself

Which best describes your stance on climate change?

  • 59% It’s primarily human-caused
  • 30% It’s primarily a natural process
  • 11% I am unsure

arth...Not only melting glaciers but also unusual weather patterns across the planet. The planet also has in excess of eight billion people, which is another cause of warming conditions. People contribute to pollution, much more than just driving their cars.
amri...And with people and govts focused on short term power and greed, I see no hope to turn this around…until huge climatic horror should hit a powerful developed nation
cmri...Carbon emissions are a huge cause of global warming.
jsch...I think it is a combination of both.
swer...I found your recent poll results very insightful! Would you be open to sharing additional data metrics, such as the total number of respondents? It would help provide more context to the percentages displayed. I understand if this information isn't available for public viewing, but I’d appreciate any insights you can share. Thanks for your time, and I appreciate the effort you put into these polls!
kocr...It’s happened before from strictly natural processes but humans are surely magnifying this event.
jton...The burning of fossil fuels is a primary cause but methane from beef production and deforestation are not helping.
kevi...Those who believe it's primarily a natural process probably post on social media about health concerns and listen to the comments rather than going to a physician.
ypsi...Natural climate change takes millennia, the recently accelerated change seems likely caused by the Industrial Revolution of 250 years ago, a blip in the geological record.
mpda...Man - the only creature on earth who thinks he/she can unknowingly change or have a severe effect on nature. A miracle happens - "it must have been God" - Nature changes - "it must have been man".
mmey...I cannot believe the amount of people who don’t believe it is causes by humans
rons...The pendulum swings. There was an ice age then a vegetative age. We are moving into a vegetative age.
best...Accerated by humans.
tigh...C'mon...you KNOW the answer to this. By allowing people the opportunity to state otherwise you promote the disinformation. Next you'll be asking who started the war in Ukraine...one more like this and I'm out...
drol...Al Gore tried to warn the world. Nobody listened then and nobody listened now because it's too hard and it it's would cause people to do things that they're too selfish to do.
jvsr...Climate has been changing since the formation of this world. We have gone from a coming ice age to a burning world. When they couldn't sell either prediction it was decided to relabel as "climate change". That way whatever happens they have it covered. Follow the money.
cb10...And trump will make it worse.
tubi...it should have been phrased as: "accelerated climate change" as a more accurate description.
jonh...Your answer options should have included d) Both human and natural processes. Whatever answer is correct, however, sticking our collective heads in the sand instead of taking action to slow global warming is going to lead to severe climate impacts.
mary...We are a destructive species by nature
davi...It's not my stance. Look at the data from multiple sources without bias.
dean...18 mm is less than 3/4 inch..
mrsj...The Sun is a main-sequence star, meaning it’s constantly fusing hydrogen into helium in its core. Over time, as more hydrogen is converted to helium, the core becomes denser and hotter, causing the Sun to shine brighter and hotter.
kend...Just when the world, and the US should be standing together, we are becoming more divided. Civilization will change, and not for the better, if the new regime is any indication.
dajo...Activists and slanted scientists only talk about recent (i.e. since recorded weather) trends but look at the geological record where many states were under water or glaciers thousands of years ago. Wasn't Arizona under water twice as per earth core samples? Did cave men cause global warming centuries ago. Its certainly true that current man has some impact on weather trends but we cant stop the natural process.
mars...I think climate change is real but caused by both human and natural processes
smcc...Why is there even a question at this point?
chri...There may be a coincidence of natural cycles exacerbated by human behavior. Problem is, that it is near impossible to run a standard scientific analysis due to our lack of an ability to prove or disprove any theory in this instance. The time frames and cycles of the earth are too long and poorly understood. Also, it has been political suicide to engage in any research that challenges anthropomorphic climate change - it is a de facto religion.
swjo...A lot of, if not most of, climate science is politics and political power, cloaked in a fake shroud of a climate emergency. The record highs and lows we see are cyclical. Watch the late news to see repetitive old temperature records that are actually the last time we were in the same weather pattern
geor...As more and more people inhabit the planet and more and more items are manufactured that add to the demise of air quality, the planet is warming at a much faster pace than even 20 years ago. Having lived near steel mills and other industries over the last 50 years, I see and smell a vast difference in the air and water quality in NW Indiana since laws were passed that reduced the pollution from these mills. But the years these pollutants were air and water born has already taken its toll on the environment and can’t be reversed now. And the number of people driving gas and diesel vehicles as well as their size has risen over that same period - creating another large group of pollutants. We just need to listen to the scientists and take the necessary measures to stop the earth from warming at such a fast pace.
neal...I think it’s obviously a natural process, I don’t know to what degree this current change is natural or manmade though. At the same time I don’t think any reasonable person can say we haven’t affected earth’s environment/climate with our industrial emissions and the destruction of so much natural environments. It’s all tied together, how could we not have affected it with all that we’ve done. I think that’s obvious as well.
wlof...I think the loss of trees cannot be underestimated in the equation. However, if we didn't have humans spewing CO2 into the air we'd have volcanos doing that. The fact that we have both makes me unsure. Are humans and deforestation contributing to it maybe accelerating it. ABSOLUTELY.
mmca...Nothing to say
jodu...We have been poor caretakers of our own planet. Of course there is a natural warming, but our neglect has allowed it to advance at a much faster rate.
rgar...Why did the ice from the ice age melt? The planet made a pretty good recovery from that.
jasc...If it was natural, why so suddenly. the earth has been around for many years Sorry it is us
ajgo...This shouldn't be an "opinion" question as the answer is now settled science among all respected scientists.
rotr...Just a Democrat BS story to rip of the public

Would you take a probiotic specifically designed to improve oral and brain health?

  • 96% Yes, I’d try it
  • 4% No, I don’t trust supplements

jrdo...I don't understand why the 'No' respondents wouldn't want to improve their oral & brain health!!!
urmi...I would prefer to eat a healthier diet including the natural probiotics over the supplements that are not regulated.
cat9...I have the APOE4 gene and my mother had Alzheimers...So I am very interested
ryba...Why not?
laur...Who wants to decay from Alzheimer's? Not me.
rene...People with dementia are known for poor hygiene. So this could be correlation.
kink...Who wants Alzheimer’s. But final decision would depend on side effects.
sjoc...Is there a probiotic available with these particular brain-beneficial strains?
ps.c...Obvious isn’t it?
trac...Why not, at 81 I know my memory is not getting better.
pfou...S potential game changer.
lpa1...worth a try
vegi...I try it if their claims were backed by science. Random, double blind, controlled studies.
best...I believe that if one loses brain health, there is no quality of life.
chit...Humans are biological living Machines We still only know 20 percent Lot more unknown I had several Education degrees My mentor used to repeat Thermometer has more degrees than u Think about Murali Chitluri
swjo...From a family with Alzheimer's history, yes, I have seen the degeneration first hand. I remember the feeling when my Dad told me "I don't remember what I don't remember".
marc...I wonder if it is linkedd to my wife's multi system atrophy
mary...Couldn’t hurt. Might help.
burr...I’d try it, my family Hasna history of brain disorders.
lori...Is there an antibiotic or something that can kill these types of bacteria so you don’t have to worry about it?
pand...Bacteria, good and bad, plays a huge role in our health.
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