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Poll Results and Comments : Medicaid Cuts, Amazon Unions and Hijacking Cancer

Anna's Daybreak News

Just facts, you think for yourself

Do you support reducing Medicaid funding to finance tax cuts?

  • 85% No, healthcare should take priority
  • 15% Yes, tax relief is more important

robo...How is this up for debate? The tax cuts are mostly going to people that don’t need the relief. The rest of us will still need to pay medical bills, but a larger portion.
wlkm...Healthcare is not insurance. People Should be encouraged thru benefits to exercise, not smoke, not drink and eat more heathy
ksdb...The federal government is NOT saying to reduce Medicaid funding…they are proposing that the states pick up their portion, as it was designed.
os2w...It becomes an addicting drug if we continue to expand Medicaid. Enough.
joyc...The burden, beside alot more sick folks, will be on hospitals So the rich can have a tax cut? How does that trickle down?
sang...I am disturbed to see 18% of people (most likely educated) voted for tax relief over healthcare. How did we become such a selfish country!
serg...Taxes are already low. Medical care is a priority
came...Keep illegals off of Medicaid
zend...If we want to reduce waste , maybe we should look at the $8 million a day being paid to Musk.
djbk...We must protect the vulnerable.
zack...Once people find out of much fraud and waste is involved in this system they will support cuts
limi...A healthy America is our best investment.
vero...The state should take care of the people and give education and health
pwki...There is a ton of fraud going on in the Medicaid sector. Siphoning out the fraud is very needed.
pete...No healthcare cuts period.
sher...Based on the results of this survey, I'm not sure how the Trumpster Fire got elected, but I can hope that America is coming to its senses.
kare...Every person in the United States deserves affordable insurance and access to healthcare. Shame on the GOP. They do not represent the people anymore in anyway.
agai...Some seniors are at poverty level. This is shameful. Take care of our elderly.
anni...Rich people need to pay more taxes not less.
rich...There will have to be an alternative to this heath service!
jane...Those who are on Medicaid really need the coverage. Other countries provide socialized medicine to all residents. It works for those countries and could work for the U.S. A country is only as good as it treats the weakest and most vulnerable among their population.
drly...Cut the defense budget and eliminate tax cuts for billionaires instead.
saca...Bait and switch! If ACA is cut and the poor are not covered, costs for indigent care is passed onto tax payers and studies have shown those costs are higher than ACA. So, if cut, the costs go up to the tax payers.
rmac...The fraud needs to be cut
pro....Considering how behind America's is on taking care of its people compared to poorer countries in the world when it comes to education, water and food safety, citizens financial protections, and the lack of work life balance and real buying power in relation to living costs, healthcare should be free and a priority..
tenb...Absolutely not. Increase taxes to those billionaires.
acke...This is a plan to make millions sick and unable to afford medical care. Trump doesn’t give a damn about poor people. He fooled them into voting for him and now they are on their own to deal with his numerous actions to harm them. Revolution time?
jdub...With all of the saving DOGE is creating, they can now expand healthcare coverage to all Americans who don’t have it. Automatically, anyone with the social security number, should be covered.
jdd0...Any savings should be used to reduce the deficit.
rgto...For those that need it - cut the excess, don't subsidize those making more that the minimum.
cfpo...Taxes should increase on the wealthy and corporations . Healthcare must be available for everyone.
ham3...We need to get this sized right
alex...It should be fucking free for everyone who makes under $100k/year! $20k is a fucking joke!
nedr...With checks and balances a lot of fat could be trimmed without risking the health of our country
cbni...Healthcare is more important than the bottom line
gaje...Healthcare should be available to all of our citizens. However, it should be looked at in a way that it is not abused and it should apply to those things that will prevent serious illness penalties for fraud should be narrowly, constricted and severe.I Am conservative yet I think the taxes should be used to some extent to help those in need of healthcare.
pfor...Once again, Trump is not living up to his campaign promises of bringing prices down. Cozying up once again to his billionaire buddies with tax cuts.
lesl...There are plenty of other ways to raise money without killing people.
midc...As long as tax cuts don’t go just to the wealthy
fcse...Health trumps wealth
dere...Absolutely not find the funds somewhere else dtop hurting the people that have paid and need it
susa...Lift people up. Don’t step on them.
chri...What is done with the feedback you're asking for?
john...Hey, thinking about my wealthy relatives who have a son on Medicaid....and they are hiding the income they provide to him (a house and a truck and monthly spending money). So yes I'm bitter. Actually, I believe healthcare should take priority except for them!
idiv...We need a healthcare system like this so the local hospitals dont end up with full ERs. People will use an er for cold flu etc when they should go to a doctors office. Everyone deserves solid healthcare.
land...Cost cuts are necessary but Medicaid reductions need to be carefully reviewed for negative consequences
thef...I do not support cutting healthcare to poverty level households in order that corporations and million/billionaires get to pay less tax. Trump’s tax cuts are never for the poor or middle income…only ever for the ultra rich.
avaa...Cut the wealthy and make them pay more to fund taxes
kris...You are not addressing the waste and lack of oversight in the Medicaid program. Much like all of the other government programs that DOGE is no exposing. The government employees running these programs need to be held accountable for not wasting the money in the Medicaid bucket. So when you ask is healthcare more important than tax cuts you are not asking the right question. The question should be “are government employees responsible for running Medicaid and other programs more diligently and efficiently?” The answer is YES.
jj.j...I know some people who are on medicaid to save on healthcare but their income is higher than the poverty level. I upport state level support and not federal funding.
zcd1...Billionaires don't need or deserve tax cuts, period!
fee....Tax relief to taxpayers that are unaffected by Medicaid cuts would be immoral.
jflo...Selfishness is not an American value
erwi...I support reviewing unnecessary expenses and loopholes. However, where hardship exist even if it is above poverty line, medicaid must be provided. Health insurance is too expensive and fixing corporate greed on insurance is what needs higher priority. Otherwise, all we are doing is removing healhcare from people who need it and continue to make insurance companies richer and unaccountable.
hcam...Why does the government need to make a profit from healthcare - it should be a basic human right.
kfhe...I have witnessed many receiving Medicaid that do not warrant the assistance. Medicaid, just like other agencies, need to better scrutinize applicants and current recipients far better to ensure accuracy.
clau...Medicaid reimbursement rates are already unfavorable when paying for physicians, in-home health care, nursing homes and acute care services. Many of these services are opting out of Medicaid participation due to financial losses, and those that hang-on provide poor care. Two examples include nursing homes that are increasingly reliant on a foreign workforce (that soon will be drying up as Trump anti immigration policies are enforced) because many Americans are unwilling to do the hard work associated with personal care for minimum or slightly higher wages. Hospitals are also reimbursed at a rate that doesn’t cover their costs resulting in low staffing and poor care. Just think, now if hospitalized, patients are urged to have family or friend advocates present to ensure care is provided.
c.ma...Cuts would take from the poor give to the rich
duff...How much do the rich need>>>>>>
kmr1...Trump tax cuts will only benefit ultra wealthy
katg...Medicaid not only allows low-income people to get health care, it supports vital areas of special need--people with disabilities (pays 43 percent of care), long-term care for elderly (pays 60 percent), addiction and behavioral health (dominant payer), maternity care (single largest payer). Rural hospitals, clinics, and nursing homes will fail.
char...I don't know why Medicaid covers so much for so many who have never contributed. I have worked since I was 14, saved and lived below my means to retire, and paid my whole life into a system that has seemingly included lazy as a disability. The social programs were never set up or funded for this. The government also funds [from our taxes] many charities who hand out to those who do not want to work. When I worked in property management I saw so many recipients who used the system to get rent, utilities, child care, food, education, money and transportation free. They also received money, child care, food, clothing and transportation from local charities. ??? And this is a small town! They were able bodied. Who needs child care when they don't work? I worked, went to college, paid child care....lazy should not be the criteria for assistance.
sama...There is massive fraud and price gouging.
13lj...The monies that go into social security for all this time, were suppose to be for the working Americans that have paid into this for eons!! The money was not suppose to be used for other things which it has grossly been hacked! We Americans work hard to reach retirement & have that money accessible to aid us into our “old age”! Taking away what we’ve already given to for our lifetime of work is ludicrous & so unfair!! Please leave Social Security alone for our healthcare & survival! Seeing it handed out to non-deserving individuals is tough to swallow!! It is paid for and earned by those of us who have contributed their entire life!!
tubi...not only should healthcare take priority, it should be heavily scrutinized to assure there is no profiteering as seen now.
benj...Elon and the other guy are white supremacist grifters. The only reason our country doesn’t have free healthcare and education is because they don’t want POC to get it.
skid...Basic healthcare should be a human right. The identification , prevention, and early treatment of disease is the most cost effective financially and from a human well-being standpoint
jtay...The 85% suggests the same mindset that caused Greece to blow-up. How much would it save us to stop giving free healthcare to illegal aliens - because for starters, they’re illegal. FEMA was funding this and then didn’t have money for the disasters they were supposed to fund.
maar...The question is set up in a biased format. Healthcare needs reform (e.g. pretreatment pricing disclosure; pricing caps, etc.) If we are going to maintain that healthcare is a right then we need to regulate it in the manner that we regulate other rights.
mary...It makes no sense - from humanitarian, public health, common decency standpoints - to take basic health care coverage from the poorest people so that the richest people can become richer.
lw63...I am so happy to see the results of this poll. Makes me still believe there is hope behind the Musk/ Trump fiasco.
lqbh...The uber rich are throwing away (killing) the rest of us.
pirn...We need to consider how many healthcare worker jobs will be lost
cdye...Tax cuts for Billionaires should not be the priority!
tota...Reducing funding will ultimately INCREASE health care costs. ER visits will increase and people will be unable to get care for their chronic conditions. When they are finally able to get care it will cost substantially more $$ in the long run.
perm...No non US citizen should be receiving Medicaid. Savings will result when those types of payments stop being made.
plau...Healthcare in this country is in terribly lacking already. We need healthcare to be a top priority.
anne...Fwed the economy towards growth
jame...States should have some obligation to look after their citizens rather than relying on the Federal Government
jkoo...Universal healthcare but better preventative measure to promote health.. not just ‘try’ to cure sick
pvec...Do not lower capital gains or the corporate tax, if anything lower tax on ordinary income that will have a bigger impact on tax savings. Do not eliminate the estate tax
tere...A false choice, both are achievable. Lessening individual income tax while economizing on healthcare is the goal.
john...Choosing tax cuts over healthcare is inhumane
smit...Medicaid is a huge umbrella of services that covers so many different healthcare needs!
nese...But they should look into any wasteful issues.
coli...The US healthcare system is an abomination. It’s all about money first, healthcare is a poor second. If we tore up the book and started again with a proper Universal Healthcare system focused on the people, got rid of all the corruption and collusion amongst insurance companies and their lobbyists.. the savings would be huge and fund other priorities. Elon, please get on it.
pssa...Quit robbing the poor to reduce taxes on the rich!
brod...This is a no-brainer in view of the fact that so many do not pay taxes.
glen...Lots of fraud in medicaid. When I see a person on Medicade taking a cruise - I fee taken advantage of as a tax payer
dani...Tax cuts for the ultra wealthy should not be extended. That money could take care of Social Security and Medicaid for years.
mr.c...For tax cuts? To who?
vick...To leave children and families without adequate healthcare is terrible. Many working people cannot afford healthcare without assistance. Terrible idea
hcfe...Tax relief for who... billionaire's? Hell no!
troy...Why is more information provided about the proposed tax cuts?
kevi...The GOP and this administration is attacking social safety nets to find a way to use it to line the pockets of the wealthy and corporations. Non of this will eliminate cost of healthcare, just reallocate who benefits.
davi...Medicaid and Medicare needs reformed and refined. Too much waste and fraud taking away from recipients that actually need it and have paid into it. Reduce the top 3 tiers of leadership, and focus funds on recipients and the bottlenecks that are preventing eligible recipients from receiving benefits.
gccm...i support cuts for debt reduction but not for tax cuts
royc...We need to move toward National universal heath care for all.
jjmp...What is FFOTUS is doing is literally criminal.
drse...Our taxes have gone out of control The new Administration is working ast getting it Back under control- let them do the job we as Americans have appointed them to do
leli...We do not need a tax cut for corporations or wealthy people.

Where do you do most of your shopping?

  • 66% Online
  • 34% In stores

kevi...I'd love to buy more in brick and mortor locations, however online companies like Amazon, Chewy, Overstock, and others have eaten up retailers ability to compete. While this may seem good for convenience, this consolidation hurts local businesses and makes the country more at risk to broader failure if distribution and warehouses are affected. Also an economic crash will be more catastrophic due to consolidation and lack of competition.
jame...Close call
gaje...I shop online because of convenience.
avaa...No longer give my money to the rich online company's -ie amazon, Facebook for sure.
rcya...I prioritize shopping in locally owned stores to support my local economy.
coli...Can’t react to one month’s data, too many variables. Inflation still a problem. Tariffs will make it worse.
chau...I can’t get out, so I shop online except for groceries.
nord...Why not keep your neighbor , mom and pop stores in business, keep .y money at home. Not big box!
nedr...I like old school shopping
laur...Can't purchase food online, thus most important item being purchased.
anni...I shop at Trader Joe', Whole Foods and Talbots
midc...Support brick and mortar biz
kend...We try to shop local, only when we can’t find what we need, do we begin an online search. Again, trying to go directly to the manufacturer site first. Amazon is the LAST resort.

Does the decline of union membership in the U.S. signal progress or a problem?

  • 50% Problem—workers have less power
  • 50% Progress—workplaces have improved

kend...We need unions. A living wage is needed. Proud member of IAFF local 3438, ret. I have a pension, earned from union membership and hard work.
avcv...It's so much better for employees to work directly with management rather than paying a middleman big dollars to negotiate, and thereby creating a separation or rift in the employee/management relationship. Speaking directly and for yourself is always the best option for relationship building.
luci... Employers, especially large corporations, are gaining so much power, accelerating the decline of the middle class in America. are gaining
ham3...This is improvment. Unions were needed when health and safety were issues. Now the fed regualtes that. I do not see the need for unions except in a roll where trades like plumbers, masons and carpenters can join into a bigger group to receive benefits.
chau...This was a tough one, I support unions as long as workers have a say at the table. This should not effect their jobs or prices of goods.
robo...The wealth gap is widening. Workers need to be heard. Unions make that possible. I spent 30 years underpaid and overworked. Our attempt to unionize was defeated. Things never improved for the workers. Employers talk a lot of b.s. in negotiations that they don’t follow through on.
chri...Having worked in a public school and been part of the union, I generally found the union protected the incompetent/unethical teachers or teachers chronically absent and made it difficult to hold them accountable. As someone who felt competent and secure in my job as a result, I would have preferred to negotiate my own terms. There is a lot of pressure to be part of the union and support it, however in our situation it was generally the the teachers that complained the most and weren’t solution-oriented that were the loudest.
drol...Unions matter especially in these times where the billionaires are running the country!
ktil...No representation for better wages, health care, retirement. Vacation or sick time pay.
kevi...These workers were affected by illegal union busting tactics, not due to the disinterest of unionizing.
co.m...My husband has been on both sides for working for unions. His experience is workers have less power when unions are in control.
benj...Corporate greed has brainwashed these sheeple
vegi...Companies care less and less about their employees and more and more about their profits. Employees need some say in how they're treated.
tubi...people like jeff bezos, elon musk, etc, prove there is no such thing as the proverbial "lifting of all boats" in the rising tide. employees must have the ability to bargain with enough impact to affect them and force them to share more ethically with those that help create their wealth.
arno...Workplaces have improved for white collar workers and most blue collar workers. Unions are needed to help the distribution of wealth. Fair share. Fruits of their labor. If the company does well so should the workers which will then bolster the immediate area economy. However, workers now are content to take the peas they are given from trillion dollar companies. Unionized workers are a louder voice and fight for healthcare, paid time off, and fair share.
pvec...Most companies have competitive pay and salaries. That outweigh the cost of the union
midc...It’s great for the owners
zkor...We would never get such excellent service from Amazon with unionized employees. Union is only good for bad employees.
wlkm...Management needs to lead. Poor leadership And management indicates the need for unions. Otherwise it is simply a tax workers
acke...Unions protect workers and their families. We need them more than ever.
bedl...Laws have now been enacted to let young people work in factories. Unions help protect workers. Perhaps unions should rethink some of what they do, but I think this is a backward trend. Dismantling public education, will further reduce an individual's ability to critically think and problem solve. As a result, they will be more easily manipulated by those in power.
perm...You can demand all you want, but if companies are unable or unwilling to meet the demands, it only leads to job losses and workplace tensions. Unions are seldom reasonable nor do they always take the whole workplace landscape into account. Labor laws are mostly sufficient to protect employees from abuse.
coli...Unions are bad. It’s not the 1970’s.
andr...The way these questions are worded are biased. Either way, unions, while ostensibly noble, restrict the supply of workers to benefit those lucky enough to be in the union and enrich their union bosses.
sara...It’s of course, more complicated than either of these reasons, but unions have become so despised even by their own members who feel like they are held captive by them. Covid and the teacher’s unions in Los Angeles is a good example. And then they complain that school enrollment is down because so many people fled to private schools so they wouldn’t have to deal with all of that anymore, and teachers get laid off.
susa...The working class must have the right to bargain for the value of its work otherwise the corporate powers see only profits , take full advantage of workers promote unhealthy burdensome policies .
lw63...This very difficult to determine. Amazon is known for poor working practices and I think this is going to be emphasized more and more as our country continues to go down the path of a dictatorial leader and anticipatory obedience from companies like Amazon, Facebook and others. Its a shame... we would not need unions if this wasn't happening.

Would you participate in an experimental cancer treatment if standard options failed?

  • 92% Yes, I’d take the risk
  • 8% No, I’d be hesitant

step...Of course. Otherwise, how does one advance the science?
duff...My wife did a cancer research treatment that did not turn out well.
vero...Whatever to save me or a love one
nedr...A chance is better than no chance
ham3...Amswered incorrctly. If i had tried everything in my power first and no other option existed guess i would.
ratk...Only criteria… it’s early in my diagnosis
ksdb...I would not trust big pharmaceutical.
madr...In dealing with cancer, there are several other factors, and actions that you can take, parallel to your medical treatment. Unfortunately most of the times, that information is not always shared to patients
barr...If the experiment could make me feel more sick in my last days, I would decline.
gaje...I would take the risk if all other options had failed
vick...If the cancer was terminal and there were no other treatments, I would definitely participate in a study.
chau...I would put my trust in God to lead me to the proper decision!
tere...How firmly we cling to life in spite of risks known and unknown.
avaa...What's to lose if you have cancer
etig...Did so 20 yrs ago with only a six month survival chance melenoma stage 4 in lungs.

Do you think "hidden" abilities in human senses exist beyond hearing?

  • 95% Yes, we haven’t discovered everything
  • 5% No, science has explained most of them

anne...Research is needed to explore the majority of the brain we don't use today
lw63...so much mystery still remains with humans. All of it won't be discovered in my lifetime.
nedr...Everyday we learn something new
anni...We need to continue to explore all the brain can do
ham3...Just look at the inept medical world. We STILL know very little or at least very little is published about extra sensory perception. If we had greater skills there'd be less for big pharma to sell. They don't want us to know. They do exist
pegg...Looking at the last 2 centuries, convinces us that curiosity about the health and wellness of the human body, continues to lead to amazing discoveries, that lead to more amazing discoveries, that lead to more amazing discoveries!