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Poll Results and Comments : Trump's Budget Plan, Microplastics Risks and Joint Evolution

Anna's Daybreak News

Just facts, you think for yourself

Do you think Trump’s budget plan will help or hurt the economy?

  • 71% Hurt, by increasing debt and cutting key programs
  • 29% Help, by stimulating growth

rona...Millions of people including elderly that are receiving small amount pension who pays for their medicare part A that has increased to $185 monthly will now be subject to pay for that due to medicaid being part of this budget cuts.
3mcr...Trump does not have America’s best interest at heart. So nothing he does is for the good of Americans.
jule...No more non profit for mega churches and the NFL
to55...Youy cant layoff thousands of workers for no good reason and expect the economy to flourish
cica...The Republicans eventually wanted to destroy Social Security and Medicare. That’s been their goal since the inception of Social Security. They tried it in 1952 after President Eisenhower, a Republican toldthem not to. They got slaughtered in the midterms and they were out of the majority for 40 years because of it.
kkbo...If you fire this many people then who pays their unemployment? You and I, that's who. These people are like 3 year olds making up the game so they always win.
rzip...This stimulating growth argument is the hallmark of these budgets. Look at the rise in national debt after the 2017 tax cut legislation.
chri...Only Marxists and simpletons think a politician can actually change the economy.
cmes...You haven't even detailed what it really has in it people are just reacting to your headline
patr...Rather than cut necessary services the government should be increasing, not lowering, taxes on the very rich.
rebe...Tax cuts of 4.5 trillion will not bring down the debt and doing so by cutting social safety nets is immoral.
davi...Something has to be done. Continuing down the same path is unforgivable.
kfer...It may reduce deficits at expense of marginal population; minorities than have suffered intergenerational racism and prejudice, those that have not had the opportunity to excel, that struggle with housing, hunger, and health.
over...Hurts our most vulnerable population and helps the rich get richer. Will plunge us further into debt
suea...This type of vote should need a 2/3 majority, or more of a majority than an approximate 51/49 split. That's not a fair decision, winning by 2 votes!
mbal...He only wants to help the wealthy.
neah...If growth is stimulated it will increase manufacturing expansion,taxes from higher employment ,greater volume of employment and higher moral within the country. The economy will eventually expand - leave the man alone and watch the growth in every direction- Nea.
tara...Our country needs to shrink government and get spending under control.
walk...Cutting wasteful useless spending will reduce borrowing needs by government which in turn frees up capital for the private sector, which in turn spurs growth in the economy, which benefits all. Pretty basic. We need less government dependency.
cmck...Eggs 12.00 a dozen! Crazy 🤪 times
swas...All the GOP wants is to hurt the working class to enrich their pockets
jdwe...Trump doesn't care about programs that help lower class and low to middle class folks. He only cares about himself and his rich cronies. Trump is and always has been a pathetic loser.
cjgr...Vulnerable segments of our population will suffer from these cuts while our national debt will increase. Our leadership is failing us!
crig...It's time to try a different tact!
pegg...It's a disaster. The government is NOT a business (focused on profits), but a government has always existed as a SERVICE organization that takes taxes and gives back services to ALL the citizens.
fmge...Trump is treating those who voted for him like fools, enriching his family and billionaire backers.
flyb...The cuts needs to happen in the military!
mmp7...Tax cuts only after budget & deficit under control
jodu...This is a big steal loaded on the backs of the lower classes.
toma...The current administration does not care about all citizens health, welfare and future. Further, it is clear the administration has chosen individuals without significant knowledge of the cuts they are proposing and how it will impact the country and its citizens. There is no evidence that they fully understand the programs they are cutting.
mary...“When the laws undertake... to make the rich richer and the potent more powerful, the humble members of society... have a right to complain of the injustice to their Government." Andrew Jackson
tony...The “trickle down” theory has long been proven to be a false narrative. The 4trillion he is giving to the wealthy will do nothing to help the average American. Trump did this once, it didn’t help the economy at all, it only served to appease the wealthy and secure a base. People are too ignorant to understand that getting a 600 dollar check is peanuts to the hundreds of millions he is handing to the wealthy at the expense of our children who will have to pay for it.
dave...If I read the numbers correctly it puts us 2 trillion more in debt. How does that benefit the economy?
lora...This will stimulate growth. The GOP needs to continue cutting the corruption and fraud in the government. The Dems only want to increase taxes so they will have more money to steal from the American people.
krfa...As stated earlier in this news article, this supports Trump’s agenda. This doesn’t help the majority of American taxpayers. The working class people are getting screwed.
dbri...This administration is not looking out for people. They are out for themselves.

Do you think microplastics pose a serious health risk to humans?

  • 82% Yes, the evidence is concerning
  • 16% I don't know enough about it
  • 2% No, the risks are overstated

pete...Everyone needs to be more diligent about avoiding single use plastics.
nord...I do not know any more about it than what I've read in several places. I feel we need to get less toxic food and items we use daily, such as storage plastics, whether it be bottles or storage bags and bowls.
chri...It is one of the few discernable health issue that we can do a regression on. If you are over 45 years old, do you remember kids with life threatening allergies in school? No, you don't. They didn't. They exist. This is a new ailment, and we don't know what is causing it. But we should investigate new factors in the environment. Plastics are all 20th century or later.
midc...Again, duh
tara...Need more advances in biochemistry to further understand how plastics are interacting with our cells. It seems harmful and if so we need to protect humans and end dangerous practices that involve plastics
tubi...yes, but nobody it pointing to the industry that promoted and profited from flooding the world with plastics. fracking literally injected the chemicals, who's residuals are filling our water tables with PFA's and the EPA was paid to shut up about it.
jodu...Humans are so self destructive and when money is involved there doesn't seem to be any limits. The world will survive for the next form of life waiting in the wings.
chri...We need to switch back to glass
neah...Very possible but we need to be exact because they really help in turn to recycle our waste - hope we can continue to use them
kfer...I am amazed that plastics have been incorporated into the body
cb10...We need to stop using plastic for everything! STOP with plastic bottles for beverages and food items.

Do you find it surprising that modern joint structures trace back to ancient fish?

  • 57% No, most human traits have ancient origins
  • 43% Yes, it’s fascinating to see such deep evolutionary connections

chri...Cool. Also, if we understand joints better, does this mean you can fix my injured knees? If not today, maybe tomorrow.
shel...Nature has perfected many things that engineers draw upon for inspiration.
kabm...In the beginning The Ancient of Days, God, created everything. Being a scientist, I get annoyed that media often presents science as though one cannot believe in science within the boundaries of Creation.And Rarely presents both views.
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