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  • Poll Results and Comments : Ukraine and US Agree to Minerals Deal, Israel Attacks Syria and Taiwan Sabotage

Poll Results and Comments : Ukraine and US Agree to Minerals Deal, Israel Attacks Syria and Taiwan Sabotage

Anna's Daybreak News

Just facts, you think for yourself

Do you support the US securing access to Ukraine’s critical minerals in exchange for military aid?

  • 59% No, it feels exploitative
  • 41% Yes, it’s a fair deal

kpd4...The president seems to be on the wrong side of the whole Ukraine Russia issue.
scjo...I consider it to be a statement based only on economic advantages!
to55...Im not 100% sure. Since Trump is such a good friend of The aggressor Putin, i want to see Russia withdraw from Ukraine and give back all the territory they stole from the Ukraine People
sshe...No "deal" made by trump can be counted on, ever. Trump is a confirmed lifelong cheater and liar. What comes next? Trump will use this deal to coerce Ukraine into giving territory to putin who will then appear to be the winner of the war he started. This deal can be labeled the Sudetenland Agreement.
simo...They need to hang Putin for his crimes
cmes...How can you say it's exploitive when we sent them billions how about let's get something back for our billions My billions my tax money
donm...As long as the USA does not share with Russia
jpau...but you don't give enough detail to really be able to answer this question
jvh....Given the US involvement innUkraine's rejection of the proposed settlement in the first week of the war I do think this is exploitation by Trump. He will force Ukraine to accept whatever end to the war he can get Putin to agree to. To Russia it is primarily about NATO expansion that must be stopped.
kath...We should be helping Ukraine b/c we stand for democracy and should be supporting democratic countries. They were invaded-attached
rzip...Our military aid to a smaller democratic country countering an unprovoked attack by a larger country should not need a transactional exchange as demanded by the current administration.
gett...More than a fair deal, follow the money. If the US has a piece of the Ukrainian action, of course the US will provide support to secure their investment.
erwi...This sounds more like a strategy to get Russia to back down. If this is the way to get Russia to walk away from Ukraine. Sure. It remains to be seen how everything unfolds.
davi...It seems a bloodless way to end the war with something in it for the US for assisting. Russia saves face by getting something for it's efforts. It's a win win win deal. And in any deal, someone or everyone can never be totally happy.
dmgp...#AMERICA 🇺🇸
gary...People have forgotten the basic laws of nature
zkor...Now we are the exploited side. Before Ukraine was doing favors just to Biden's family, now they will fairly pay to all Americans for their hard work to develop and produce arms.
kmas...Ukraine is preventing Putin from rolling into Poland, Estonia,,, We should be supporting them and not exploiting them!
kkbo...Are they that stupid that they think Trump is going to continue to send them support when he's in love with Putin? After this UN Resolution how can Ukraine be so stupid? Trump will push them to give up part of the country to Putin. Ask me if I care anymore?
mspe...There is NO diplomacy left in the US government.
haro...If manipulation of allies becomes the primary basis for our foreign policy, we will cease to be a leader of the free world. America First will lead us into a reality of America Last. The only principle we will be following is enrichment of our oligarchs.
lynd...The country has massive resources, which they would use under normal circumstances to purchase weapons. The EU countries require Ukraine to pay them back for the Aid they provided, without the world saying they "exploited" the Ukraine and they are the countries that benefit the most (relative to the USA) from the Ukraine remaining free. The US should have some path to repayment for the Aid provided and to come. It's taxpayer money. It should be reasonably repaid. It will cost billions more to mine those minerals, and the US ownership of those minerals will be a huge deterrent to Russia in the future. Timely development will also provide much needed employment for the people! I usually understand opposing opinions even though I disagree... on this question I am truly shocked at the number of people who find this logical way to both have some form of repayment and long-term security for the Ukraine as "exploitive"
walk...Exploitation is something for nothing, an unfair exchange, they need military services and supplies and we need minerals. What do think Russia is really after….
kgiv...Why isn’t Russia paying back for all the money they have cost us by STARTING this war?!?
rorf...Disgraceful even
kenn...The deal comes with no guarantee of US protection against against Russian aggression.
memc...It absolutely feels exploitative. Should we ask a country for something in exchange for every time we send aid?
roci...No, it is disgusting to take advantage of the situation in Ukraine.
gray...Trump is bullying the Ukraine into it. But they do owe us a return in the fight!
cb10...What a f - ing mess trump has made. Backing and siding with putin, what the hell is going on. If the US does not back and support Ukraine, all of Europe will be next.
toma...This is very risky. Once again the US is exploiting another country’s rights to
neal...I said no but really I’m on the fence about it. Overall it’s a fucked up situation so, probably not gonna find a perfect solution, now.
arco...It abandons Trumps promise on creating US mining jobs by directly supporting overseas development!
howd...MAGA are selfish Capitalists only thing of themselves
ycph...The U.S. was once known as the world power that helped countries in the name of democracy and freedom without that country having to fear loss of sovereignty. Now we are known as the bully that exacts a price for defending that which we uphold as most important. Do we not feel this is still worthy of defending at all cost? I am embarrassed to be an American.
cmar...Typical Trump deal not really a deal.
jdwe...It's nothing short of blackmail conjured up by a greedy and power hungry oligarch in the White House and his equally evil administration.
helb...I don’t agree with the way Trump obtained it but we need access to rare earths.
miss...Unbelievable that people believe that the US should be sending billions in military equipment and other aid on the backs of US taxpayers without expecting that it be paid back in some form. This deal is a no brained. Maybe if the Europeans had actually been complying with the NATO requirements they would have had a larger supply of military hardware to send in the first place without US largesse.
fcse...Transactional Trump. If Trump wants Ukraine’s minerals he better keep Russia out of the country.
rosa...Nowhere do you get some for nothing 😒
staf...It's like your neighbor running to your house saying she is being robbed, and you say - well, first, give me that nice necklace and your wedding ring, then I might help you.
jmbe...Trump's policies are morally bankrupt. "America First" . . . in greed, domination, and inhumanity!
neah...Something is better than nothing
mcho...I never thought the end of the American Century would be so exhausting...
sgbo...The US has to be able to recoup the cost of supplying assistance to the Ukrainians during the war this seems like a good start
cerv...Ukraine needs to hold, until we elect a democratic president in 3 1/2 years. We need to hold the line against Putin.
jjmp...Typical of Trump. Never give anything, unless he benefits from it. Not just because it's the right thing to do.
alan...Trump couldn't care less about Ukraine and the innocent lives Russia has taken, Trump will be the first to invade like Russia if he wants something, We are living in a country that cared for life, now the US looks like they could not give a rats A** about anybody's like
jodu...We all know Putin does not intend for Trump to give Ukraine a fair deal.
lloy...It seems to be a one way deal completely in the U.S.' favor, as no specific type of military protection by the U.S. to Ukraine has been spelled or agreed to by the parties. Furthermore, it's just exploitive in itself, Ukraine should not have to do this deal even with any U.S. guaranteed military protections. It's an unheard of type of deal. This not how sovereign nations operate. Governing and geopoltical stability should not be treared like a backroon business deal.
pmic...Was the Belgian Congo exploitive?
p_gs...The U.S. in good faith as a partner for a free world provided needed aid to defend it's territory. Only a despot like Trump can take back as a source of investment what belongs to Ukraine. If the shoe was on the other foot, Trump would nix on such an agreement. It is not acceptable to take Ukraine's property and allow a foreign power like Russia hold or take assets that rightfully belong to them.
mwch...If Ukraine didn’t benefit, they wouldn’t do it.
patt...It is in the best interest of the United States to help secure the Ukrainian borders from the aggressor (Russia). Making the rare minerals deal will further alienate our European allies.
hsie...I am ashamed to be an American.
fuzz...We need to stop the killing
jton...The mineral deal is bad enough. Ukraine should be in NATO and Russia should withdraw from Ukraine. The deal that the U.S. is forcing down Ukraines throat with insult after public insult gives Putin everything he needs to claim victory and to regroup for another attack at a later time. Ukraine’s leader is a patriot who wants his county to be a democracy. America before Trump used to respect that. We are now hypocrites before the entire world. We will never be able to wash off the shame.
jerr...We say we stand for freedom - but now we say we only stand for what financially benefits (a few) of us. Benefits that were already previously being discussed without siding with a totalitarian regime. We have ensured that our 'allies' will turn on us the second it becomes convenient. This administration fails to understand soft power, and we are all the weaker for it
mend...Need more info about it
over...It’s making the victim pay reparations. And it is no way for a supposed world leader to act. This makes US weak not great. I am ashamed of our actions
sjsm...It’s stealing. It’s taking advantage. Ukraine is vulnerable and in desperate need, they need help but are getting screwed by Trump
savv...Since when do we barter to get a control of resources Ukraine needs to rebuild what Russia destroyed ? Russia should pay Ukraine instead. Where is that deal?
azcw...I don't trust the new regime
ted....Trump is a crook and not to be trusted!
teac...This is ridiculous. Look at the writing on the wall. This will only benefit Putin.
mspe...US is asking for 5 times what has been given in aide. Trump is taking advantage of their vulnerability with no real assurances of continued support
dbmj...Like life has been throughout the course of time. Greed and power controls most of the world. The young and uneducated have no clue of world history or how we achieved freedom in the USA. I never imagined that I would see a criminal authoritarian president in the White House. As well as a non elected oligarch along with a group of children handling highly classified information without oversight dismantling our government. We look like fools to our allies, and the current establishment has no regard for the rule of law and the Constitution.
rpma...Trump is a Pig
peg....This is not what the USA is about!
mari...The supposed KING cannot continue his bullying and the world nods it's head
pbor...This is liking making them pay reparations.
chau...I feel like President Trump is taking advantage of Ukraine to appear strong to Putin. It is not a very Christian way to handle things. It feels like a more cut throat business transaction…this is NOT what people want!
r.al...The demands upon our country has come at a great cost. Every country in the world expects us to maintain the status quo, but, at the same time they scheme to undermine our status. In order to maintain Superpower status, we need to focus on the future and position ourselves for the greater good. It's not an easy transition from where we were, but, it's a necessary choice that we have to make. Phylogeney recapitulates Ontogeny. It's simply survival, long term.
pegg...The deal is UN-AMERICAN!! We are the largest and richest democracy in the World and we need to support smaller democracies across the globe. Ukraine was invaded by Russia and needs our help to survive. They also need their natural resources to be independent and support their citizens. Trump is tearing down our reputation and history of good will -- it will not end well
tony...The US should not be taking advantage of countries needing our aid. Ukraine, whether anyone wants to believe it, is fighting this war for us. Their soldiers and citizens are paying a high price for defending the west against a brutal dictatorship.
cica...We’ve now become just like China and Russia, the world‘s two biggest pariah
beve...I never thought id say I am so ashamed to be an American.
juli...I believe it benefits both countries and insure the US presence in Ukraine to wart off future invasions.
wglo...No quid pro quo! Trump already impeached once over withholding support until Ukraine created false evidence against the Bidens. Trump has already declared his support for Russia, citing Ukraine as the aggressor. No reasonable person can accept this.
klod...Why should we give away hundreds of millions of dollars of taxpayer money to Ukraine. We're helping them by extending credit, but there's no need to make a gift to a country that is not crucial to our national security if that country, like Ukraine, has the ability to repay our loan. Think about the next generation--our children--who have to bear the burden of unpaid debt.
tubi...the world is watching as the US comes into greater focus as the world's thug.
reis...it is amoral extortion
acin...It is extortion by two of the the biggest bullies on the planet.
fpb4...I fail to see why it's exploitative! We are providing the capacity to develop the project and Ukraine shares the wealth. The other Nations have made loans for their support, that's exploitive! One win for both parties.
patr...NATO members should not condition aid on a nation’s ability to repay.
gren...We are always helping other countries which contributes to our massive debt. Why wouldn't it seem fair?
dloe...We should support Ukraine’s defense against Russian aggression without such blatant demands for economic quid pro quo.
bach...I do not feel like we have to have mineral rights to provide military support but I do think it is fair for the Ukraine to provide something of value to the US.
conc...There are no free lunches.
larr...Feels exploitative. C’mon people. Our treasury was drained supporting their freedom.
drol...Deals with the devil. Why?
arth...As long as the US is involved with skin in the game, the Russians will not be shooting rockets at them. Also, I can for-see Russia finding it hard to hold on to the territory it’s currently holding if the mineral deposits are attractive to the US now, and the Europeans later when they eventually come on board.
dsca...We have sent them enough aid. Its good to get some of our funds back.
mbcu...Trump is a back stabbing scum ball. He’ll cheat on any deal that’s done and say that’s just good business The man cannot be trusted in anything he does.
kare...Ukraine is not alone in this task and no, this is the country taking the brunt of an invasion, to take assets while they are not guaranteed to keep their country is not in their best interests. Only if they feel we will save the country and defend them going forward. Starlink is the outlying problem because Musk is in allegiance with Putin.
dbri...There should be no quid pro quo. Helping them defend their country after the Russian invasion should be a no-brainer. Oh! Right! We have conman, grifter trump leading our poor country.
anen...This is bullying at its worst
flyb...Send trump,Vance,musk to the front lines posthaste!
brya...Trump is a charlatan who is appeasing a Russian dictator. The cycle of lies continues.
3mcr...If this deal was reached without the OBVIOUS favoritism for RUSSIA it would be different. But Trump is in bed with Putin and his only goal is to rape Ukraine of its natural resources and leave their country weak , while putting more money in Trump’s pocket . I’m sure Elon will get a large % of any “deal” made.
cmck...Trump needs go be put in jail!!
rjna...Trump is acting like he is running a business rather than recognizing the US has global responsibilities.
kfer...This could have been later, or before, without blackmail or making Ukraine hostage.
hols...Typical Trump deal where he screws someone
jane...Absolutely it is exploitive—they are desparate to end the war and the US is taking advantage of that. Shame on us!
mich...The US is using Ukraine’s vulnerability to selfishly go after their rare minerals. It’s awful. At the same time, it’s silly that so many countries consider the US their personal bodyguard. Other countries need to step up their military spending, training and operations so they can defend themselves and not have to sell out their country for US support.
bdal...Mercenary foreign policy vs principle
fywe...Trump is a grifter. This is appalling
60th...It doesn’t just feel exploitative, it is in fact exploitative and wrong. The USA promised to defend Ukraine’s sovereignty when Ukraine agreed to dismantle its nuclear weapons program. This is the bargain the USA made and it should abide by it. Instead, the President is taking advantage of Ukraine at its most vulnerable condition to wring it dry of a major component of its economy. Disgraceful.
mbal...It’s extortion!!!
andy...There is no such thing as a free lunch
gwen...They owe us tremendous amounts of money that was funneled into their country with no real accountability as to how it was used!
brad...I can't believe anyone would say it's exploitative. We sent over $300 billion in weaponry to defend their country. If anyone got exploited it was the US taxpayers. It's time for this kinda crap to end.
ian....Trump and crew just think about things from a Financial perspective. This allows the US to exploit Ukraine and the minerals while in no way punishing Putin for invading Ukraine. This is not the right message for US to be sending to the world.........it is disgusting
jule...Feels greedy which is typical and I don’t trust Trump.
barr...And you can’t trust Trump, just ask the hundreds of contractors he refused to pay. He is truly a charlatan who duped most of his constituents and released the most violent criminals convicted for crimes committed during the J6 insurrection even though eighty percent of Americans were against them being pardoned.
mlav...Trump just wants to make deals and make money, probably to take some for himself, not for USA
ralp...The aid that the US has given so far had no strings attached. Now Trump, who is aligned with Putin, is extracting a punitive deal from a weakened country. The US should be thankful that Ukraine is weakening Russia, but not with Trump.
chri...It is an ugly deal. No class. But fair. US taxpayers don't seem to care about elegance or style. As much as I find the deal vulgar, gross, etc. as a US taxpayer, it makes sense.
isob...The Ukrainians have been sold down the river by the US gov! Their backs are to the wall with this awful Trump admin. NATO and the previous US admin had vowed to stand with them in their fight against Russia and now we are changing the terms of that agreement with a President of US who has no knowledge or understanding of historical precedent. And maybe even worse, no desire to learn!
lora...Yes, it is only reasonable that the US get something for protecting Ukraine. People need to know Zelensky is a criminal. He stole $32 billion from the Ukraine people and is responsible for over 50% of the $200 billion the US gave him to fight the war has disappeared and he does not want to find this money since he and his administration stole it.
fmge...We are the mafia bully demanding protection money from a merchant.
sdra...More importantly, why should Putin be able to keep troops there?? Some peace deal.
fran...Completely ridiculous. The US should support Ukraine, which supports our allies against Russia’s invasion. Trump is being Trump again. Just trying to get something out of a country where he shouldn’t would never vote for this guy.
melz...We cannot be the worlds policemen and need to think like that

Do you support Israel's decision to conduct airstrikes in southern Syria?

  • 58% Yes, for national security
  • 42% No, it escalates tensions

cmes...I'm not worried about tensions. I'm worried about those people consolidating and coming back to attack again which is exactly what they would have done
staf...I used to support Israel. Now I think they are asses - like the Trump admin.
chri...Without a war Netenyahu has no purpose (and goes to prison in Israel). As a US taxpayer, I am tired of paying for Israeli political maneuvering. So are the average Israelis. In Tel Aviv, they loath our (US) policies. US funders enable Israeli misbehavior, and the Israelis and the rest of the world object. Why are we supporting these corrupt Israeli politicians?
3mcr...As long as the Arab nation and its terrorists counterparts openly focus on eliminating the Jewish people from this planet , Israel should be allowed to defend itself any way it sees fit.
noah...Who is being attacked exactly? This summary bending over backwards to sound objective while telling exactly what the Israeli side believes.
jvh....It appears is the last thing the leader of Isreal wants is peace which would end his term.
lora...Israel has every right to protect its country. Syria needs to stay out of the war.
kfer...Israel should have had talks with Syrian authorities before resorting to military action.
gris...terrorist attack mean, very mean.
caad...Silly choices provided here.
gail... N. Starts bombing ore people, let's get the hostages back!
walk...If “they” will leave Israel alone, we wouldn’t have these issues…….
joll...Never trust what Bibi or anything Israel says. Their claims of security are always an act of aggression towards their neighbors. They are colonists and their aim is oppression and land grabs. Escalating tension at every turn. If they want security they need to remove themselves from all the illegal settlements in the West Bank and stop the crazy Apartheid state. Stop the genocide in Gaza! This would be the number 1 step toward security! But when you perpetrate abuse and state sponsored terrorism over and over eventually the oppressed will stand up for themselves and attack you back. Then they use propaganda to label the freedom fighting as terrorism, just as Mandela was labeled a terrorist for opposing the apartheid state that oppressed his people. We should not be supporting Israel and their real goal, which is blanketed ethnic cleansing. They are extremist racist terrorists! Actually- if they think they can forcefully displace all the people from Gaza, which is not their land, then they should actually start by removing all the settlers from settlements on the stolen land in the West Bank and East Jerusalem, most of these people are immigrants from other countries, unlike the native Palestinian population. Palestinians are semites and a large part of the Palestinian population is Christian. Many are also American citizens. Our policies are clearly Islamophobic.
hgde...Any country that has terrorists on its borders must defend itself and remove that threat to its citizens.
mark...There is enough war in the world today. STOP
tubi...of course not. theyre colonizing tactics are a disguise for trying for bring about a ridiculous prophecy.
hutf...It’s a fine line when you dictate how a sovereign country can govern itself
jmbe...Israel has demonstrated time and again that it has no respect for international law or the sovereign rights of other countries.
anen...Israel must learn peace not continued aggression
jodu...My heart says no, but unfortunately that part of the world has no intention of settling for peace.
arth...Cut the head off the viper before it can coil to strike.

Do you think that the severing of Taiwan’s undersea cable was intentional?

  • 97% Yes, likely an act of sabotage
  • 3% No, it was an accident

fmge...China will keep up acts of aggression against Taiwan.
miss...Too many cables being severed to be coincidental. There should be some harsh consequences.
tony...Of course it was intentional, neither Russia or China has any reason to be dragging anchors across the bottom of the ocean other than to disrupt communications.
ibar...It's obvious they are using the same strategy the Russians are using in the Baltic and Nordic region
kfer...China will resort to. Anything to harass Taiwan and Russia has shown this method to be successful
nola...Hard to imagine why a ship would be dragging an anchor along for any other reason. The strain on the engines, fuel consumption, strain on equipment for what other reason that trying to "catch" something on the ocean floor. Seems pretty obvious considering the ship involved.
walk...I’m sure these ships have charts and info of where cables are and perhaps no anchor zones. Pretty obvious. No different than call 811 before you dig. Come on people….
jule...Absolutely intentional
chri...About time to get real on this.
mark...China wants to control Taiwan
hgde...China likes to bully its neighbors
gett...Why is this not 100%
lora...No one really knows. But one thing we do know is Taiwan belongs to China based on a treaty signed in 1949 by China, US and EU.
midc...Um, yeah
cica...it’s something like this that will touch off a Chinese invasion of Taiwan. Something this administration is completely unprepared to deal with
neah...More investigation needs to be done
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