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Poll Results and Comments : US-Russia Peace Talks, IVF for All and Why Humans Speak

Anna's Daybreak News

Just facts, you think for yourself

Would you support a peace deal that allows Russia to keep some of the occupied Ukrainian territories?

  • 67% No, Ukraine must reclaim all land
  • 33% Yes, if it ends the war

mrmi...Russia invaded Ukraine and Ukraine should not have to surrender anything to have Russian invaders removed
jhen...Ukraine is a sovereign nation. Russia has broken international law. They should be forced to relinquish control and pay to restore the damages they have inflicted. Putin is a murderer and should be prosecuted for it in The Hague
stev...Ukraine must be at the table for me to support any deal
mary...Russia has no authority or right to control other countries.
jame...What part of America are we willing to concede to another nation - especially on that's an advisary. Would American's be willing to be left out ot peace talks over the outcome of our country and sit back while our "ally" meets w/ the enemy w/out our prior consent and counseling. Sounds like 1938 Czechoslovakia and England - except it's not England selling out a sovereign nation. It is foolish and unacceptable foreign policy.
mich...But allows Ukraine to join Nato
meht...Previous US administration had bad policies that ruined the country and destroyed many people lives. Only to expand NATO which is ridiculous and most stupid. Let people live in peace.
mary...Invade sovereign nations and take their land? Where does it stop? Greenland? Panama? Canada? The Gulf of Steve Martin?
jllm...Sounds like history repeating itself
dbmj...History keeps repeating itself if Russia just takes sovereign land from other countries. Especially since Russia destroyed all the parts of Ukraine where predominantly Russian speaking people lived and could have voted to annex those areas into Russia democratically!
robo...Russia is in the wrong and should not benefit just because they are ending the conflict that they started.
rzip...Why is Russia being rewarded for its aggression?
bsor...Russia is the aggressor and does not deserve the land. They will continue to grab their terrritory and also attempt to invade the Baltic states and Poland so they can grab parts or all of their land.
zack...It’s concerning that 63% of this poll have zero clue how wars work. Watch the media tear the Trump admin down for ending a war that Biden admin help start
kenh...The lands from the most recent agression should be returned.
mari...Giving Russia land will just encourage them to invade other places.
royc...Russia invaded without cause. The territory does not belong to them.
mds4...Look at history. 1937-1939
kold...Keeping Ukrainian terrain would be a fascist victory.
huwa...Ukraine has no leverage to reclaim anything, with Europe being sidelined and weak it will not and cannot come to Ukraines rescue. The Trump administration has made clear that it will not be supporting the status quo so unfortunately Ukraine will have to give up the land it has lost
jlme...Crime is crime
deli...Ukraine's idea of a sovereign border is a laughable concept. Like most all of Europe the borders are all soft. And will remain so.
papa...Ukraine is a sovereign nation that was invaded by Russia.
brod...If Ukraine must cede territory to Russia, the the illegal Russian invasion and expansionist war will have succeeded, and Russia will do it again.
gary...Most Ukrainians speak Russian and share culture. The rest is just political posturing. Save lives, keep NATO out of it, avoid WW3 and move on from outdated post WW2 US foreign policy.
erfi...If Ukraine gives up one inch, Russia will take that as a win and go on to attack again, or other countries. Ukraine must hold the line for democracy and sovereignty!
tobi...Appeasement of Putin and his horrific regime will only and bold on him to continue to bring war and devastation not only to Ukraine, but to the other countries that he has horrifically attacked and societies he controls. If Trump wants to make America great again, he needs to resolve this by removing Putin‘s ability to continue his terroristic organization. There is a price for listing piece and appeasement is not one of them.
fcse...Russia’s invasion was an act of aggression against a peaceful neighbor. Russia should not be rewarded.
jllf...Rewarding war by letting the initiators to keep land etc. only encourages future war.
madm...Russia invaded Ukraine. Under Gorbechov, Ukraine negotiated for and legally had jurisdiction over the areas that Russia now wishes to reclaim through warfare. This territory stolen by Putin should be returned to Ukraine.
rsta...It seems like Ukraine will have to cede control of some land lost.
kevi...Regardless of "the reason" why Russia invaded another sovereign nation is irrelevant. The whole NATO expansion used as an excuse to initiate war is a propoganda tool to derived from "blood and soil" ideology. Literally any thought process to accept Russia's side is due to falling for their propoganda. In 1994, the Budapest Memorandum on Security Assurances got Ukraine to give up their massive stock pile of nuclear weapons inherited from the fall of the Soviet Union, and in return they are to receive aid and help if Russia were to try and reclaim old territory. Yet, people still want to think our aid comes from nefarious reasons without strings attached.
gbtk...Trump administration’s decisions have been disgraceful. Ukraine deserves our pity as well as our support.
snid...Finding a way for Putin to save face while relinquishing territoy within Ukrane is the way to thread the needle here; how to do that is the open question since without some form of claim to victory, Putin will strongly resist ending the war since he knows everyone hates it other than he.
simo...Tell Putin to have fair elections in his country before he tells others to do so
1331...If the Ukraine does not regain its lands, Russia will try this again later and eventually take them completely over. And Russia will then be bold and try to regain hold of all its former satellite countries from the former USSR.
tjli...Did we learn nothing from Czechoslovakia and the Sudentenland? Neville Chamberlain claimed "Peace in our time", and months later, the world was at war again. Appeasement doesn't work, never has, never will. Not to mention, it's not ours to give.
meng...As the instigator against a peaceful sovereign country, Russia also needs to pay reparations for the lives and property lost.
pama...It's insane to reward Russia for its aggression.
bbat...It is not practical to consider a scenario where Ukraine is capable of retaking all the land that Russia has already taken. However, the ultimate agreement needs to be made by Ukraine, the US cannot decide the terms of an agreement for them. Trump, still smarting from the Ukraine scandal of his first term that lead to one of his impeachments is not acting in Ukraine's best interests. Rather, he wants to "get even" for the perceived slight of Ukraine not going along with his demands in 2019.
pmsm...If Russia is allowed to steal territory from other sovereign nations what’s keeping them from doing so again?
paul...IS needs to support Ukraine and oppose Russian aggression towards Europe.
trag...While I would like to see an end to this war I don’t trust Russia to restrict the territories it seizes. If they keep some territories I doubt that they will stop there, but will continue to take additional territories. I also think there is an issue of fairness ( not always a popular concept) in that Russia invaded Ukraine, unprovoked, so they need to back off and let Ukraine return to a level of pre invasion “ normalcy”
guin...Rewarding Russia's invasion by gifting land and denying Ukraine the ability to apply to NATO are concessions to starting a war.
stev...This should not be for negotiation. Europe is next - time to stand strong against this invasion.
cica...Rubio and Trump are the new Neville Chamberlain, only worse. Trump is clearly corrupt and benefiting personally in some tangible if yet undisclosed way. He’s getting something from Putin ( or more accurately the Russian people). Rubio only cares about his position. He’s a hack. They’re both Traitors
scot...Ukraine was invaded by Putin. Ukraine needs to have all their land back. Putin needs to be in jail for war crimes. Also, Ukraine needs to be in NATO.
lalo...Letting them keep some of the territory they have invaded would only encourage them to continue this type of take over again in the future.
mads...Reagan spending and raising our national debt to breakup the USSR and free Eastern Europe must not be squandered making concessions to Putin who is trying to rebuild the Soviet Union.
jmic...If Russia is allowed to retain some of Ukraine, they not only win, but they also will attack again once they reload.
fmge...We would be rewarding aggression. What happens when Russia invades the Baltic countries?
davi...Stop the War.
dweb...It’s not fair Ukraine is not at the table. The trump administration has shifted from helping Ukraine to helping Russia giving them things without ukraines involvement. But this is not surprising given that trump seems to do everything wrong and nobody has the balls to tell him what he is doing is wrong. Our government officials have no backbone.
lill...Putin is terrorist
scot...Putin should not gain from his actions
jame...Why reward a dictator who has caused a war killing millions ?
robi...Russia is a terrorist country!
obri...Trump is destroying our relationship with Europe and kissing Putin
patr...But Ukraine must be at the table - not on the table. And Trump’s blatant lies that Ukraine started the war - when Russia was clearly the aggressor - must be called out!!
cmck...Trump needs to go! Economy is horrible in Ohio don’t move here inflation is high ! Homeless everywhere!
jgas...trump/putin alliance spells trouble every way possible...follow the money
aubr...Russia is a big bully and will keep doing these land grabs.
kpnj...We cannot trust Putin. A IS aligned with a dictator like Putin is bad. What does he have on Trump ? Something. Trump is being played
mark...Russia tried to take what is not theirs. The Ukraine deserves their territory back and all the Russian assets held need to be liquidated to pay to rebuild Ukraine, plain and simple Russia is the bully that started this!
inak...Its just insane that Ukraine is not included in those talks
mari...Trump is being played by Putin at the expense of Ukraine and Europe. Being a citizen of The Netherlands residing in the US, I find this charade and embarrassment. I wonder how the US might feel had something similaer occurred with Mexico invading the US... would we accept Mexico and Canada meeting over a peace deal and not haivng included the US. WTF!
ps.c...That would be appeasement.
mgre...Fuck russiA
wate...Wow. Who are these 64.5% who believe retaining "all land" is even possible, and how much money would they like to send and for how long would they like to send it, and from where will that money come? Morons!
happ...Ukraine should get back all its land including Crimea and other provences seized in 2014. There was a Kiev before there was a Moscow. Russia is our longtime enemy and Ukraine has been weakening our enemy and deserves our support. We should not give in to a dictator who kills his political enemies.
jgp2...Okay if mostly ethnic Russians
jwre...Russia was the aggressor and started an unprovoked war. They were threaded with joining NATO with attack and were attacked anyway. WHY should they give up any of their county to Russia… and should we encourage Russias behavior by agreeing with them in the name of peace! Am I missing something?!
gena...Russia attacked Ukraine. America helped fund the war. WE in solidarity with Ukraine not Russia should not concede land. It should return to prewar boundaries.
bery...Americans must realize the Russia and Putin are NOT our allies. Their goal is to convince the rest of the world that democracy doesn't work.
jdd0...That is really not a yes/no question. There are a lot of considerations to be taken into account. Certainly not all of the territory Russia has occupied. There are some areas that are predominately Russians. If there were truly free elections without intimidation that would be ideal. However, given Russia's history that scenario is highly unlikely. Ukraine's industrial and mineral rich areas cannot be ceded to Russia. And steps must be taken to ensure Ukraine's security and to dissuade Russia from attacking other neighbors. Russia is an untrustworthy rogue nation.
howd...Russia needs to learn that it can't willy nilly into Ukraine
lora...This war should end. Zelensky is a crook who stole $32 billion from the Ukraine people. He is also stealing money from the US which we have given Ukraine $200 billion. The East side of Ukraine is mostly Russians who were not allowed to use their language or had restrictions on their Russian Culture. Zelensky did all of this to provoke war to enrich himself. He is also the main character with Biden corruption.
over...Obama gave up Crimea in 2014, there no going back on that.!
roci...The thugs who started the war have no right to keep what they usurped. It is not fair.
ebr....Russia can’t go around sticking their flags in the ground claiming land that is not theirs. Russia invaded the sovereign country of Ukraine for no reason other than stealing their land and resources. Russia should go home and return all land to Ukraine. 🇺🇦 slava Ukraini
dani...Appeasement didn’t work in the 30s and it shouldn’t be allowed today.
jeff...given we have given up all negotiation positions ahead of talks, we only have a military solution threat and the current administration is afraid to pull that trigger. So Ukraine is probably going to be the loser here.
alan...The US is causing more damage to Ukraine, They are also wanting to rape the country for its resources.
ahma...How dare US even be trying to mend ways with the US America is going to hell We are a laughing joke But I guess one DIC TATOR TO ANOTHER DIC TATOR

Should the federal government play a role in making IVF more affordable?

  • 59% Yes, IVF should be more accessible
  • 41% No, it’s a private healthcare matter

kold...All health care should be more accessable.
gbtk...Finally a good Trump decision.
chri...Demographic collapse is a major problem. The US should lower barriers to having children.
gray...Government should stay out of my health care period
mgre...For fux sake… there is too many of us already. Adopt! I’d be happy to see my tax dollars go towards that funding. This IVS idea stinks of fraud.
jean...Too many fertilized embryos are being being created that are either never used or destroyed. This is against my religious views.
cdre...IVF embryos are children! The embryos that remain unused get destroyed and that's immoral!! That's murder!!!!!
msle...Slippery slope here. See this evolving into forced birth territory.
susa...Support marriage and families. IVF could lead to man playing GOD. could also lead to single parenting
mary...Any decision that Trump holds represents some manner of control, dominance and fear.
sang...I guess Elon wants more IVF children 😜
kare...I want basic healthcare expanded for all people before moving into funding speciality programs.
jwis...According to basic biology, it is incontrovertible that the embryo is a living human being (if you believe in science at all). It meets the criteria for life and its species is human. Given that it’s a scientific fact that a fertilized embryo is a living human being, it is unjust to kill, permanently freeze, or disregard those people. Thus, IVF is not a just or moral practice.
mark...Everyone should receive high quality healthcare for free, we are the richest nation, only the selfish don’t want that to happen
aubr...Based on other cuts to services the president is making, this seems out of line with cutting government costs.
kevi...Hot take, private insurance should only exist for supplemental programs, and most healthcare should be under a single pay universal healthcare. "Mafia" style middle men who are not physicians telling physicians and patients how care is handled is the most absurd allowed extortion scheme ever allowed. This has nothing to do with Doctor pay, or patient options. It also doesn't lead to faster access or better healthcare results. It's amazing how many fall for these lies and accept paying the highest prices in the world for a worse system.
amy....we have way too many abortions in this country...if we want people to have access to babies limit abortions and then we will have plenty of children to adopt for families who cannot conceive. Government spending is out of control, this is just insane to think the "people" should pay for this!
mads...It should be accessible but it shouldn't be completely covered by Healthcare Insurance
mari...This is a play to appease the Christian right.
lesl...If abortion rights are left to the states, then why not IVF? What principle is the Fed Govt working under? I support life choices for women so broadly I support expanding IVF for those who want it (and as a NYer I'm one of a minority in this country that pays taxes for expanded family leave). This proposal suggests the principle is "Women should be making babies" not "life choice" which is why I don't support it.
zack...People in the Media said Trump would ban IVF.
trag...Government exists for the benefit of the people and making a valuable treatment for infertility more accessible will benefit a significant population
nurf...Whoever hasn't been through an IVF treatment cannot fully understand all the challenges it implies. It's not just a medical procedure, it's a life changing moment. For the better and for the worst: it could be the happiest or the saddest time in one's life. It reaches all aspects from your body to social or professional life and it takes a big toll in your mental health. I've been there.
pfor...But I certainly don't trust Trump at his word.
cery...The question & answers do not make sense here. The question is about affordability but the answers are about accessibility and it being private healthcare matter.
evet...Those are private matters for specific people and applies to a small segment of the population.

Do you currently invest in ETFs?

  • 70% Yes
  • 30% No

mads...They don't offer any tax advantage to me.

Have you used AI tools for research, writing, or analysis?

  • 49% No
  • 28% Occasionally
  • 23% Yes, regularly

arth...Suggestion AI opinion or participation only
mari...Even my high school grandkids know AI is not dependable!
mdul...They are powerful tools but continue to have too high an error rate. In one case, I asked AI to create a list in descending order of land mass acreage including all US states, and all Canadian provinces and territories. I proofread the list each time and found errors in just the numerical sequence six (6) times that necessitated generating another version. Each time, the AI tool would apologize and express contrition but assurance that the list was correct this time. I didn't even bother checking whether it had used correct acreage for each entry since I wasn't using the list for any publishing purpose. They're powerful but all responses must be checked with other sources.
tubi...people dont realize how often their online queries are answered by AI. ill use it, but always look at the references and other articles as well.
sara...But not on purpose I guess I wasn’t realizing that it was all AI searching questions I had on the web. It’s creepy but also wildly advanced.
erin...When do tools informed by LLMs (spell check, speech-to-text, grammar check, auto-correct, etc.) begin to count as AI? I may have to revise my answer above.
fcse...I do my own research to learn something.
chri...Think of AI answers as a first draft that needs to be fact checked.
mads...Why use AI if you have to fact check what you get.
pmsm...I use AI for “fun”
gray...Don't trust it!
roci...AI helps when is only used as a research tool.
mark...Not intentionally, but who knows what happens during a Google search?
miss...I have never used AI to write any document for a client or for the court. I will use computer research tools, but if citing case law I always read the case I am relying on. A lawyer who would have AI write their motions, legal briefs and other documents without review or correction is probably violating the Rules of Professional Responsibility in their State, the local rules of the court they are appearing in, and are cheating their clients. They deserve fines and or other sanctions for their fraud.
lesl...... But I never accept the results without vetting them against my own expertise and independent research.
jack...I do use AI to write non fiction manuscripts I then proceed to check citations and references and read my manuscript thoroughly to make sure the facts are correct

Do you believe humans will settle on another planet within the next 100 years?

  • 65% No, it’s too difficult and unrealistic
  • 35% Yes, technological advances will make it possible

joan...Let’s work on not destroying this planet first!
tubi...to actually have one person set foot on earth and then later set foot on another habitable/inhabited planet? no. to send craft and observe for our own, another habitable/inhabited planet? yes.
rola...Maybe the billionaires working to get people to Mars should invest in making earth liveable. And who will have the money to take a rocket to Mars? It will not be the common person...they will be left to struggle and die on earth.
arth...100 years ago, airplanes and ability to fly was just getting started at the end of WWI. after 100 years, look at what has been accomplished. We made it to the moon about 50 years ago. Mars is just the next phase.
roci...Planet Earth is the only home we have, that's why we must preserve it
jame...Rocketry and robotics/AI will allow habitation modules to be prebuilt on places like mars and the moon. Humans will simply arrive to a move in ready colony.
jame...Too expensive to fund publlicly
mads...WE are more than 100 years off from making it safe and affordable to even go to Mars.
amy....God will come back and destroy the earth long before this happens
tdro...everything too far away
gbtk...No because radiation cannot be avoided.

Do you believe a single gene variant could explain why humans developed spoken language?

  • 76% Yes, genetics plays a key role in communication
  • 24% No, language is more about culture and learning

miss...The choice here is too binary. I believe that it is a combination of genes, culture, learning, and also, need.
mads...Genetics play a role in everything. They should try this with apes and see what they have to say.
tubi...IMO, while genetics may play a hand in learning languages, anyone can learn any language if submersed in the language and culture. people learn new languages all the time. (it was a requirement in high schools across the US at one time.)
kabm...Language has been part of the human experience since Creation, and the development of several languages is more culture based and learned by being passed down. And as far as genetics, it's highly unlikely only one gene contributes to the ability to speak as it includes the larynx, muscles, nose, tongue, nerves and other physical functions.